Earlier last year Noti.Group uncovered the operation of an international organized crime group that manages multiple cloned internet websites of legitimate banks and fake customer service websites to perform phishing activities against its victims.
Noti.Group had access to specifics of an ongoing investigation and was able to examine dozens of illegal websites targeted at public individuals in an effort to extort money against them, four cloned or illegal financial intermediaries and forex brokers, an Illuminati group that offers financial freedom in exchange for a subscription fee, the illegal sale of private and government databases which include the Mexican Federal Electoral Database.
One of the victims of these targeted attacks by, has brought forward a multimillion-dollar lawsuit targeted against the Criminal Group and other co-responsible parties in various countries.
Entrepreneur and Activist Mr Teodoro Ernesto Lavin Sodi has long been victim of extortion attempts and the illegal use of his personal information, including identity theft with a cloned of his Mexican voting card that was “illegally extracted from the Mexican electoral register”, an action which was later confirmed by Noti.Group and that according to our investigation occurred in February of 2017.
Earlier last year, Mr. Lavin Sodi’s lawyers, published various documents in which they condemn the use of their client’s name, clarifying that the information previously circulated was materially false.
Noti.Group reported in previous articles related with criminal actions made by the same group specifically regarding the theft and illegal sale of various Mexican databases such as the whole user base of the Mexican fixed phone operator “Telmex” and other various government databases that include; the databases of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit or “Hacienda”, and a complete copy of the Mexico voter’s registry containing more than 87 million Mexican voters’ cards, all of which are offered for sale by the criminal group.
Mexican Government Data Breach
Noti.Group approached an Authority familiarized with the database cases which confirmed to us that they have been tracking the use of the Electoral Databases and that the Mexican National Electoral Institute or Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) issued in October 2018 a press release informing the public that they were acting against the illegal distribution and use of the Mexican Electoral Registry, events also covered by the local media.
National Electoral Institute (INE) Press Release
According to the investigation, illegal data extraction activities in Mexico have occurred since 2012 and had impacted almost 87% of the Mexican population. Mexican Authorities confirmed that the database version currently being sold by these criminal groups is an updated voters registry from January 15th 2015.
Mexican authorities have been unable to arrest the individuals responsible, previously in October 2018 they issued a statement informing the public that they were only able to recover three computers a cell phone and a hard drive linked to this data breach.
If you have information related to the contents of this note, please contact the investigative team at Noti.Group at [email protected]
[This article may have been written with information from various sources.]