One of the more intriguing titles from Netflix’s upcoming slate of summer movies is Spiderhead, in which Chris Hemsworth stars as a pharmaceutical genius using a futuristic prison as an experimental playground.
Based on a 2010 New Yorker short story by George Saunders, the film is directed by Joseph Kosinski (best-known for Tron: Legacy, Oblivion, and that Gears of War commercial) and also stars Miles Teller and Jurnee Smollett as two inmates who form a connection in the aforementioned prison. If the first trailer is anything to go by, it looks like the movie will be something of a dark comedy, jumping back and forth between goofy and grim. Hemsworth looks particularly manic, even joking about how beautiful he is. Plus, there’s lots of blood to clean up.
And with new seasons of Love, Death, and Robots and Black Mirror also on the way, it appears that Netflix is really cornering the market on dystopic sci-fi.
Spiderhead hits Netflix on June 17th.
[Written in collaboration with other media outlets with information from the following sources]