Produced by Ghibli successor Studio Ponoc, directed by Yoshiyuki Momose (NiNoKuni, Modest Heroes), and based on A.F. Harrold’s 2014 novel of the same name, The Imaginary tells the tale of Rudger (Louie Rudge-Buchanan) — just one of countless imaginary friends who can only be perceived by their creators. Whereas most Imaginaries understand that they will cease to exist once their makers forget them, Rudger and Amanda’s friendship convinces them both that they’ll never be separated. But when Mr. Bunting (Jeremy Swift) — a reality-obsessed Imaginary hunter — shows up one day searching for new prey, the children embark on an adventure, leading them to discover an entirely new world of possibilities.
Without giving away the film’s twists and turns, the trailer highlights just how playful The Imaginary’s approach to action is and how effectively Studio Ponoc’s animators managed to recreate that classic Ghibli magic. And with The Imaginary hitting Netflix on July 5th, it won’t be long before we all get a chance to experience it ourselves.
[Notigroup Newsroom in collaboration with other media outlets, with information from the following sources]